The “One school, many languages” (project SMS 2.0) team would like to thank everyone who participated in the on-site only International Conference on plurilingual education at Eurac Research in Bolzano/Bozen, 4,5,6 December 2023.
Conference 2023

General Info_Flyer
One school many languages: bridging research and school practice through plurilingual education
The conference was the closing event of the project and aimed to be a venue for exchange and dialogue on recent qualitative- and/or quantitative-oriented research within the realm of plurilingual primary and secondary education, with a focus on the following thematic orientations:
- Practices, challenges and opportunities for reciprocal learning and knowledge transfer between researchers and educational stakeholders;
- Empirical evidence of the sustainability and impact of in- and pre-service training in plurilingual education on teachers’ competences, attitudes and teaching practices.
- Projects, initiatives and best practices aimed at valorising language diversity, developing curiosity and interest towards languages, cultures and linguistic phenomena in diverse educational contexts.